21 Jun 2023 to 11 Oct 2023 Weekly Event
Zoos SA provides the best in care for our animals through a science-based approach to animal welfare. The Five Domains model examines the environment, behaviour, nutrition, health and positive mental state of an animal to ensure positive wellbeing.
Research has found that regularly immersing ourselves in nature is linked to better health and wellness outcomes; that’s why we are applying the Five Domains model to our members, visitors, staff and volunteers.
Our wellness program will compliment, enhance and create new offerings for your visit and includes GreenDesking* opportunities, sustainability, mindfulness and creativity trails. The program will be developed over time to include Relaxed Zoos, yoga, human libraries and more.
Visit www.zoossa.com.au/wellness for more information.
*GreenDesking trial begins 15 October 2021 and is open to the first ten businesses to make contact. Don’t miss out.
Internet Access
Free WifiEvent Dates
Weekly Event
21 Jun 2023 to 11 Oct 2023